• Drag symbols using the Dragging Tool (obtained by pressing the Option key, or typing “d”, or clicking on its icon in the Tool Palette).
• Insert new notes with accidentals by pressing the Shift key while you place notes in the staff. Move the mouse up/down on the staff to display a choice of accidentals, then release the mouse button before releasing the Shift key. (You can also click a note into the score and hold down the mouse button, then press the Shift key to add an accidental.)
• Change the pitch of a note already in the score by dragging it up/down. Change a note’s accidental by dragging the note while the Shift key is pressed.
• Click on a note again to drag it sideways.
• Press the Command key while you place a note into the score, and drag sideways to change rhythmic values.
• Shift-click at any two places in the score to select all symbols between.
• Command-click on any single symbol to add it to a selected group of symbols. Command-click again on any single symbol to remove it from the selected group.
• Move Beams and Slurs by dragging them with the Dragging Tool, or Double-clicking on them to call up reshaping boxes.
• Move Accents, Articulations, Fermatas, etc. by dragging them with the Dragging Tool. Remove/Delete them with the Remove Modifiers command (Edit menu).
• Record from the keyboard playing the right hand one octave higher than normal (to ensure division between treble/bass voices). When finished, click on the treble clef sign and transpose the entire staff down one octave.
• Enable triplets in Transcribe Recording by pressing the Option and Command keys as you select Transcribe Recording from the Play/Rec menu.
Copying, Moving or Editing a Region or Symbol:
Copy (Cmd-c)
Cut (Cmd-x)
Copy System (Cmd-opt-c)
Cut System (Cmd-hyphen)
Paste Insert (Cmd-v)
Paste Merge (Cmd-opt-v)
QuickChange™ (Cmd-h) – Edit menu:
Select any notes in the score and use QuickChange™ (Cmd-h) to:
• create special noteheads
• change stem lengths
• assign notes to different voices
Plus ...
• make symbols invisible (notes, barlines, dynamics, etc.)
• control vertical position of chords, text, etc.
Score Layout:
Add Part/Staff (Above or at Bottom) — Go to the Score menu, select Master Page, then move over to the Master Page menu, select Add Part at Bottom - Click on any staff shown in Master Page to change to Add Part Above.
Add System Below/Above (Cmd-9) - Go to the Score menu, select Add System Below - Click on the clef sign to change to Add System Above.
Master Page (Cmd-;)
Work on Page Format (Cmd-option-f)
Flow in Text/Lyrics - Press Option key to repeatedly enter a syllable
Respace Bars (Cmd-r)
Reformat Systems (Cmd=)
Justify Systems (Cmd-j)
Editing Notes and Rests:
Flip Direction (Cmd-f)
Set Duration (Cmd-d)
Transpose Chromatic (Cmd-t)
Beam Notes (Cmd-b)
Create Tuplet (Cmd-3)
Viewing the Score:
Go to… (Cmd-g)
Go to Selection (Cmd-opt-g)
Reduce (Cmd-[)
Enlarge (Cmd-])
Look at One Voice (Cmd-L) - Click first on a note --automatically identifies and isolates its voice.
Look at All Voices (Cmd-opt-L)
Redraw Screen (Cmd-` )
Redraw Interrupt (Cmd-period) - Invisible command, not on any menu